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how you can make $30 an hour just using apps online,

- What is up, YouTube, I'm gonna show you

how you can make $30 an
hour just using apps online,

and I'm gonna be showing
you six different websites

that you can use apps,
make up to $30 an hour,

literally fast, easy and free.

It sounds too go to be true,
but I'm gonna actually show you

the websites right here on my computer

in just a second here, follow alone.

(upbeat music)

Okay, so check this out,
this is pretty gnarly,

and it's pretty exciting
because there's a whole industry

built around testing apps
and websites on the internet.

You can make as much as $30 per hour

just by using these sites.

So, I'm gonna show you them in succession,

and I'll show you the number fourth site

is the one that you can
make $30 an hour on.
selective focus photography of turned-on gold iPhone 6s
Some of the other sites
you can make good money on,

but we're just gonna go through,

and I'm gonna show them all to you

because you'll want to sign
up for all of these websites

so you can make money on these tests.

Now, the first site
that I'm looking at here

is called TryMyUI, okay?

So, we'll see this right here,
and TryMyUI is basically,

you can get paid to test, so ignore this,

but basically you will be
using people's websites or apps

and you can select right here

to get paid to test websites or apps.

So, how this works is all
you have to do to be a tester

is use the website like
you would in real life,

and then voice out, and type
out, or talk your frustrations

with using the sites, or your experience,

and you'll be paid $10
for each test you take.

See, let's zoom in on this.

You will be paid $10
for each test you take

and a typical test lasts 20 minutes.

So, applying this, you can make up to

$30 per hour, which is pretty neat.

Now, the tests, they have
different requirements.

Some people will want females,
some people will want males,

some people will want you
using an app on your phone.

Some people will be wanting
you to use your website

or your tablet, but no matter what,

you want to sign up for all of these sites

I'm about to show you in order

to get the maximum amount of tests

so you can make the maximum
about of money, okay?

Let's go further, the second
site is called Userlytics.

Look right here, Userlytics,

Customer In-Sight, whatever that means.

But it's same feedback person-

Blah, blah, blah, from
your target persona.

So again, they're looking
at particular personas,

so the more sites your sign up for,

the more chances you have to
get a test that wants you.

So, where you would sign up is
you would sign up right here

in this top right corner,
where it says Tester Sign Up.

See that right there?

Click Tester Sign Up, and it says

"Get paid to test websites and apps."

So, looks at this, you
get paid via PayPal.

The money will be sent
straight to your PayPal,

you can get five, 10, 15, $20.

I guess some of their projects
will even pay up to $90,

just for navigating the web.

Now, you can be as young as
16 years of age to do this,

so even if you're not 18
yet, if you're 16 or 17,

you can make money and get that money

deposited straight to your
PayPal account, pretty exciting.

So, you can learn more about it here,

but you have the website, you can go

and sign up on your own.

Now, first off, if you've gotten value

from this video already, please
slam that Subscribe button,

hit that Like button, and type in,

if you're gonna use
this, if you're actually

going to apply this and
start testing websites

and getting paid 20,
30 bucks an hour cash,

type in "I'm in," okay?

Just go in the comments
and type in "I'm in,"

'cause the money train

(money dispenser whirring)
is on.

That's what we do here on
the John Crestani Channel,

you're part of my Money
Club if you subscribe.

I'm showing you all the ways that you

can make money on the internet,

but just go in the comments
and type in "I'm in,"

if this is exciting information.

So next, let's go for the next ones,

we have four more website that you

can earn money on taking tests.

UserTesting, right here, look at this.

UserTesting, usertesting.com.

And at the end, I'll
give you a little hint

of what I do for a living
to make all these big bills,

these big stacks, that I do online.

I've been working online
for over 10 years,

so I am veteran to this industry.

There's a lot of money here,

but basically, you will be giving feedback

to companies such as Walmart, Facebook,

eBay, Patagonia, Expedia,
Ancestry.com, Citrix.

You'll be working with
all of these companies

and giving them feedback on
their websites and their apps,

because the thing is, there's
so many different people

using different phone, different tablets,

different computers, that these companies,

they need testers from all
these different categories,

all these different types of phones,

all these different ages, all
these different demographics,

they need you to test their stuff, okay?

So, you can sign up right here,

Get Paid to Test, right there.

And they'll pay, it says
earn up to $60 per test.

Visit a website or an app, okay?

So, just using your
phone, and you get paid.

And once again, get paid $10 via PayPal

for every 20 minute
video you complete, okay?

And they pay you to visit websites or apps

and speak your thoughts aloud.

So, what you're doing is you're visiting,

you know, Walmart will say,

"We want you to test our new app."

You'll install their
app, or on the computer,

and you'll just have a screen recorder,

they give you a screen recorder

to use to just talk while
you're using the app,

and you say, "This is weird," or like,

"I don't understand this button,

"I don't understand what this does,

"I don't understand what this say.

"Oh, this is pretty
neat, oh, I like this."

That's what your job
is, that's what you do.

But you need to get in on this

because they're still accepting testers,

this is a new field.

This is a new field for John
Crestani subscribers only.

Only the people in my Money Club, okay?

And if you've subscribed and
you're part of my Money Club,

type in "Money Club" in the comments.

I'd be stocked to see if
you join my Money Club.

Now, let's bang through these next sites,

we have Userfeel, once
again, you can sign up,

Become A Tester, userfeel.com.

Become A Tester right there,
and once again, $10 per test

and you can find more tests to do, okay?

You have to use a Windows
or a Mac computer,

no apps for this company.

Next site is called Enroll, okay?

Enroll and you sign up here,

you can take tests anywhere, okay?

Phone, tablet, desktop,
whatever you prefer,

you can earn rewards, you
can get paid via PayPal,

once again, and you can help
companies make better websites.

So, we got it.

We got all the sites in, I
hope that helped you out.

(upbeat music)

I want to see you make some money,

and once again, type in
if you're gonna do this,

if you're gonna take action,

because watching my video, as a teacher,

doesn't do me any good if you
don't actually go out there

and apply this, again,
80% action, 20% knowledge.

You should be going out there,

and for ever minute
you watched this video,

go out and take a test, make
some money for yourself.

Hopefully this helps,
cheers to you utilizing,

taking time to build your brain

and learn about all these opportunities

that are available to you.

Now, if you want to learn
about what I do for a living,

I make over $800,000 a month.

Sorry, that's real, $800,000 a month,

and I don't have any employs,

I don't have any technical knowledge.

I'm in an industry called
affiliate marketing,

I help sell other
people's products online.

If you want to learn about that,

check out some of the
mini courses on my channel

or sign up for a free
training, I have a free webinar

that's down in the
description of this video

where you can learn about
what I do for a living,

and how I do this business model,

and how you can, too, so hopefully, guys,

use apps, get money, free and easy.

Love you all, subscribe
and talk to you soon.


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