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9 Ways to Earn Online as a Teenager or Newbie with No Experience

Hello everyone! My name is Mimi and welcome to my home-based story

where we always share new videos regarding work from home.

So if you're new to my channel, please consider subscribing.

Okay so for today's video, this is one of the most

requested from our viewers

that is online jobs available on phones and are for teenagers.

When I'm saying teenager I'm talking about the age group

13 years old up to 19 years old.

Most of these are for 16 and above.

Don't you worry for those of you who are below 16 there are also jobs for you.

So stay with me until the end of our video

because guys I will share with you 8 ways on how you can earn as a teenager

and I've shared about 15 websites on this video

where you can try earning online.

Since this video is for teenagers

most of you are new to the industry and don't have an experience

and your skills are not that profound.

If you are looking to learn useful online skills

especially in the world of freelancing for creatives like graphic design or social media marketing,
person using macbook pro on white table

you should checkout Skillshare.

Skillshare is an online learning community that offers membership with meaning.

I have been working with them for a year now

and Skillshare is my go-to when it comes to freelancing classes.

I especially like this class about freelancing for creatives.

Where they share the whole procress

from setting expectations, building portfolios

pricing your work and even managing your cashflow.

Skillshare is also incredibly affordable compared to in-person classes and workshops.

Their annual subscription is only less than $10 per month.

And the good news is you can get 2 months of free premium membership by just clicking on the link

down below on the description box and pinned comment.

Guys explore new skills, deepen your passions and explore your creativity with Skillshare's online classes.

What you find might just surprise and inspire you.

Okay guys let's go straight to it.

Here are the 8 ways that you can earn online.

So number 1 is Fiverr.

Fiverr is one that I already shared about previously.

They accept ages 13 years old and above.

Basically, it's a freelancing marketplace

where you can post about your services.

Especially for those who make logos and cartoons.

I made a separate video on how to create an account there.

How to create a gig.

And how to withdraw the earnings.

I shared it on the video. I hope you can also check it out.

One thing about Fiverr is since it's a marketplace there's a lot of competitiveness.

And since you're new you really have to equip yourself

with the skills and knowledge of the experts.

And how do you do that?

So this is my tip on how to create a gig

that will sell on Fiverr.

First of all, if you haven't heard of Fiverr

you need to familiarize yourself with their system.

Meaning creating an account, browse as a buyer,

and check what the top sellers do.

Why do they sell?
woman sitting on bed with MacBook on lap

Why are their rates high? Because Fiverr has a rating system guys.

For beginners, number 1 is the cover photo.

Because when Fiverr promotes on the buyer's news feed, while the buyer is browsing

your cover photo has to pop out.

So it needs to be pretty.

Because if it were ugly and if you were the buyer, would you buy it? Probably not.

So it has to be aesthetically pleasing to the eyes.

Of course, your service's description has to be clear.

If you're going to make a logo, give a sample work.

Or a link to your portfolio.

It must be clear.

You have to put yourself in the buyer's position.

Another factor you have to look at is the price.

Your price has to be competitive.

Services at Fiverr usually start at $5 and above.

So $5 is the lowest.

So even if you were a beginner, your lowest rate would be $5.

It depends on how many clients you'll have

or will buy a service from you.

That is how much you can earn at Fiverr.

So it's unlimited guys.

The only challenge here is for the beginners

you don't have any ratings so compensate it with your sample work

and cover photo.

One more thing is the turn around time.

If you were buying, you'd like to receive the project as fast as possible.

Yes it's cheap but if you have to wait for 2 weeks to get it done

just go with the pricier one that doesn't take that long.

So those are the different factors that you have to consider when creating a gig in Fiverr.

For our viewers who are 13 years old and above.

You can go ahead and try Fiverr.

The only thing you will need is your laptop and a PayPal account.

Since you are below 18, your PayPal account can be under your guardian or your parent's name.

Fiverr accepts that the name on PayPal is different.

If you are below 18.
person using silver laptop computer on desk

You also need to provide one valid ID, a simple photo ID, it doesn't have to be SSS or anything like that.

These are the requirements. So go ahead and try Fiverr.

Moving into our second one, we have SameSpeak.com

So SameSpeak is available for ages 16 years old and above.

Basically you'll be teaching online English.

Their only requirement is that your first language has to English.

Your mother tongue has to English.

You have to sound like a native English speaker.

As if you had an American accent.

One thing to note about SameSpeak is that they said that they have a surplus of teachers right now.

So they don't get to process your application right away.

So when you apply, your application will be on pending until such time--

it depends on the flow of their incoming students.

They will verify through-- was it online interview or online chat?

The only thing you need at SameSpeak is a computer with a webcam, a headset to talk with your potential students,

a Skype account, this is what they use as a method of teaching,

and of course an internet connection.

A good and stable internet connection.

So if it's kind of slow, they do not accept it.

SameSpeak's payment method is PayPal.

Okay, let's roll over to our third one and our number 3 is Humanatic.

A lot of you have already heard about Humanatic because you want me to review it.

It's just like a QA.

You know when you call a call center and they say: "This call is being recorded".

This is them.

That's their company. So they keep the recording and

if you apply as a freelancer to Humanatic

what will happen is that you'd be reviewing calls.

You'll listen to the call and after the call, you'll be answering a couple of questions.

Your salary depends if you answer correctly.

So they claim that beginners can earn from $1 to $4 per hour.

You don't need a computer here, all you need is your phone and your internet

Getting in Humanatic is a little difficult.

About only 10% to 20% get accepted.

Nobody really knows how they choose.

Their work experience is good but didn't get in and some didn't have any experience but got in.

So I think they pick the ones who still hasn't got into a call center.

This is based on the reviews I've read.

But it's not a bad idea to try. We wouldn't lose anything right?

It's free to apply in Humanatic.

Their payment is also through PayPal.

If you don't have PayPal, you need to have a fully verified PayPal,

which means that you have to have a linked credit card to your PayPal account.

Otherwise, you won't be able to create an account.

So you have to ask your guardian or your parent to create a Humanatic account, for you to use their PayPal account.

Okay moving on to the next one, which is number 4 is  being an influencer.

So blogging, vlogging, YouTube and Instagram.

You can earn from that.

I already shared about starting a YouTube channel.

Hopefully you can check that video out, I'll put the link in the description.

You know that in the online world of influencers there's no age limit.

If you were a baby or an elder, you can vlog and become an influencer.

Even your dog can become an influencer.

With YouTube you can earn through ads, which is paid through Western Union

and bank transfer.

For Instagram, you can monetize it if you have brand deals.

If for example you made your pet an Instagram account and it went successfully.

And let's say that a famous dog food company told you to take a picture of your dog eating their product.

And we'll send you this amount of money. This is how it works.

That's how it works for Instagram.

Being an influencers only works if you have a lot of followers.

You just have to be patient and build up before earning, that's the only downside.

But once you start earning, it's already passive.

Even if you're not working, as long as someone is reading or viewing the content you created

then you can still earn.

So that's the beauty of being an influencer.

Number 5 guys, it's voices.com
woman biting pencil while sitting on chair in front of computer during daytime
or voices123.com

This is for our talented voice actors.

The videos where there are translations.

So there's no age limit.

They look for variation of ages.

And some of these voices or some of these videos require teenage actors, teenage voice actors.

So if you're good in putting emotion in your voice

and if your intonation and voice timbre is nice then definetely try this.

They claim that you can earn from $100 to $2000.

It depends on the lenght of the project that you get.

It is obviously similar to Fiverr where there's a lot of competitiveness.

So your bio needs to shine out.

So how do you do that?

Make sure that the mp3 recording that you'll be submitting is clear.

And of course also your photo and overall portfolio needs to be nice.

The only downside of voices.com and voices123.com is that they a free membership but

if you really want to optimize their marketplace features they have membership fees for it.

It can range from $50 to $499, so it's kind of high, right?

That is the only downside to voices.com

but if your voice is really that nice and it can be a voice actor, then go for it right?

The payment is also through PayPal.

One thing about them is that they sometimes charge the client on top of the regular fees.

For example, your charge on this one project is $500

they can ask the client $600.

Okay, are you still there guys?

Number 6 is online surveys and offers.

Some younger teenagers earn from answering surveys online.

So I'll share the top 3 that I've seen.

I'm not saying it's legit based on my experience but I did an intensive research

to check their feedbacks.

Just make sure guys that you practice

user discretion, still make a research on your own so that

you validate and see if they are really legit or not.

And just make sure to follow your gut, okay?

But I'll share with you the top 3 that I've seen.

Number 1 is Swagbucks.

You get paid there from answering surveys or doing some tasks or clicking some offers.

They pay you either through PayPal or by Amazon cards.

So most of these three pay you through PayPal or by gift cards that can be sent to you.

Second one is Cashcrate.

Cashcrate's website not that sophisticated, they send you to another survey website.

But they can also pay you through PayPal or cards.

And the last one is Survey Junkie, same as the other two.

All you have to do is answer surveys and get paid for it.

Suvey websites make you reach a certain amount before being able to withdraw.

Before signing up, look that up first.

I hope you're still here because we're already at number 7, which is content writing.

So for those teenagers who like writing, like on Wattpad,

who like to make short novels, then you can actually monetize it through content writing.

Most of the content writing websites also pay through PayPal.

And I'll share with you the two that I've seen, which are ContentGather.com and the other one is MeritCrowd.com

So it's also worth checking.

And then the last one guys is the true online freelancing.

Which doesn't have any portal.

The true freelancing is going directly to the client and offer them.

If you have a passion for teaching then you could just message them, like in their Facebook

or even go to them. And this is not only for tutoring.

For example, you're good at making Facebook ads or Facebook graphics or Instagram graphics.

You can email growing companies or small companies who have been a long time in the industry.

Of course, those are probably old folks.

And they are not that adept into designing and to what will click nowadays.

So you can help their businees by offering your service

you can email them, call them.

This is the true freelancing.

You'll get tons of ignored messages, a lot of people will reject or critize your work

and that's normal, okay?

It comes with the young age and it come with the inexperience.

You have to accept it, right?

We're still young.

Yes we really are.

Think of it as a learning experience and you don't have to worry because all of us have been through it.

So just keep that on mind and don't stress too much.

So those are the 8 ways that you can earn as a teenager online.

Hopefully you liked it.

And one more thing as a bonus, I will add something, the online selling.

For online selling, I know I've already shared how to be a Shopee seller.

But not only old clothes or old things are the things that you can sell on Shopee.

Like I know most of teenagers are into arts.

Like hobbies into crafting or calligraphy.

Or if you paint you can actually sell those online.

Online selling doesn't have an age limit as well.

So even if you're just what 7? But you can make slime and put it in different packaging.

Ask your parents, they can create an account for you and you can sell it online.

And all the proceeds should be yours and shared with the family.

So that's just a bonus and something to think about.

Something fun and not as serious as the previous 8 I mentioned.

All of those things help you.

I'm really happy to see the younger generation or the gen Z are thinking of ways to help their family.

Especially now, the world is in crisis, there's a pandemic, we're all stuck at home.

The household's income is not regular so I really appreciate all those teenagers and all those younger viewers

who have reached out to me and asked me like how they can earn from home.

And I really hope that this list I've shared with you has helped.

So guys those are the different ways on how you can earn as a teenager online.

Whatever you choose to apply to

make sure you practice professionalism

and proper handle of your responsibilities, whether it's big or small because it will definitely go a long way.

Most employers do not look just at your skills, are not just looking at your skills

they also look at your work ethics.

Keep that in mind, okay?

There you go guys, and thanks again for staying with me until the end of our video.

And I will see you again next week for another work from home video. Bye!


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