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These 3 Assets Are Key To Financial Success | How To Make Money Like The Rich

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you often hear that in order to become

rich you must develop assets that will

pay you over time this could be in the

form of digital assets like a website or

tangible ones like a rental property and

well both of these things can contribute

to your financial success there are

three assets that will make or break

your financial future and in this video

I will share with you three assets that

are key to financial success and if

you're new to the channel then hit the

subscribe button below for more

life-changing content about a decade ago

I began to develop an affinity for books

in particular I couldn't get enough when

it came to self-help books because as

early as my teenage years I knew that

one day I wanted to be successful over

the years I have read more books than I

can count and one thing that I have come

to realize is that the books I feel I

get the most out of are not the

technical books but the philosophical

ones sure I have read books on real

estate investing where I learned how to

negotiate housing prices and optimize

your contracts with tenants but these

types of books pale in comparison to the

information and benefit I got from books

that opened my eyes to success from a

broader perspective for instance one of

the most profound lessons I learned

through my readings was the power of

focus in the book the one thing by Gary

Keller I learned that you were able to

succeed quicker and in a much greater

magnitude if you focus all your

attention on one thing rather than

dividing your focus on a plethora of

different activities this lesson and

many more were all gems that came from

being a voracious reader and often I

would share these lessons with my

friends only to realize that they didn't

share the same zest for learning as I

did in fact the sad reality is that once

people graduate from their formal

education they're learning as a whole

tapers off which hinders their ability

to enrich their lives with all the great

information that exists in books courses

and even platforms like YouTube and by

limiting their intake of good

information they are missing out on all

the real pieces of advice that can

change your life forever

I find myself fortunate that I have an

affinity for learning and through this

learning I have come to realize that

there are three assets that must be

cultivated to achieve financial success

and they are the following asset number

one your mind when I was a kid I hated

in fact very recently I was talking with

my dad and he admitted that he was

surprised at how much education I ended

up getting given that in the beginning I

had an aversion to the classroom now if

you asked my dad he will give you the

same advice that most people in his

generation preach that a degree is a

pathway to financial stability and quite

frankly he's not wrong using my formal

education I have been able to secure

jobs at very high profile organizations

but unfortunately that's all the degree

will ever give you financial stability

sadly it was only after I had invested

tens of thousands of dollars into my

education that I started questioning

what the true merit of school really was

and if my 7 plus years in college were

worth it you see school does itself a

disservice because it makes you perceive

learning as a boring and tedious chore

this is why young people hate education

school makes people focus on a nearly

useless piece of paper called a degree

instead of them focusing on learning

school makes you sit down for four years

to learn in theory what you can go to

learn in the real world in six months

moreover it makes students care more

about the grades they need to graduate

than the knowledge that will actually

help them succeed in the working world

earlier in this video I talked about how

a lot of my friends locked the passion

for learning that I have and quite

frankly I can't blame them given how

school squanders many people's thirst

for learning don't believe me ask 10

people who have graduated from college

in the last 10 years and ask them how

many books they have read conferences

they have attended or courses they have

completed since finishing their formal

education because there is no degree or

certificate attached to these activities

they don't want to invest the time and

energy into them but if you genuinely

want to be successful in life you should

spend as much time as you can investing

in your mind and then applying what

you've learned the best part is that

unlike school much of this self

education is free you can take books out

of the library set up conversations with

mentors and start watching educational

videos on YouTube with costs not being

an issue there is no reason that you can

start to cultivate your knowledge today

in fact let me kick start this journey

by sharing with you a free audiobook

from audible.com

in my own life is the one thing bike

Gary Keller and you can get the

audiobook yourself for free today by

signing up for a 30 day free trial with

audible using the link I've left in the

description then if that book isn't

enough for just $15 a month you can sign

up for a full membership and continue to

fill your mind with knowledge asset

number two your relationships I've said

it before and I'll say it again you are

the average of the five people you spend

the most time with this saying from my

personal experience is true and should

be taken seriously if you want to

achieve the success in life you desire

you see years ago I was not that

selective in who I spent my time with

that meant that I would spend time with

those that added a ton of value to my

life and others didn't and as the

demands for my time in life became more

expansive and my aspirations in life

changed I knew that I needed to be more

selective and who I shared my time with

for instance when I was in the process

of getting my CPA designation I spent a

lot more time with my classmates who

helped support me in my studies and a

lot less time with those who didn't the

same situation happened again a few

years ago when I was starting my youtube


slowly but surely I started to spend

less time with my friends who would just

sit around and gossip and spent more

time with creators that I could share my

ideas with and learn from when I look

back at my life today I can say without

a doubt that I would never have been

successful if not for the kind of people

I associated with my academic and

business journey up until today has been

full of successes and failures and the

only reason I was able to persevere was

because I had quality people around me

it could be the friend who guided me

towards a certain book or course or a

mentor who gave me advice on taking one

job offer over another what you need to

realize is that your success in business

and in life in general cannot be

attributed to one single person your

success is the combination of advice

support and care from those around you

which is why you need to appreciate and

cultivate this asset if you want to be

rich and this effort needs to be

deliberate for myself personally I keep

a list of individuals I must stay in

contact with and then reach out to them

on a regular basis set up calls or

meetups so that these great people

continue to stay in my life like

investing in your knowledge building

relationships takes time and effort but

the rewards will be great if you stick

with it asset number three your

aspirations one of the most treasured

things that each one of us possess are

our dreams and aspirations some people

dream of owning a massive home and a

fancy sports car and others want to

travel the world and see all that planet

Earth has to offer whatever your goal

may be the important thing is that you

remain steadfast in your pursuit of this

end result no matter what unfortunately

this is easier said than done

many people have enormous dreams but

they struggle to find the willpower and

determination to get started the issue

is that they look at their end result

and see one of two things

a long path that seems nearly

insurmountable or no path at all no both

these scenarios present issues and are

why many people fail to start the

journey to achieving their lifelong

dreams you see when you have a long path

to venture such as building up a large

YouTube channel you may have a decent

idea of what activities you must

undertake to be successful of course you

have to determine what the channel will

be about then determine how you will

script and shoot your content

essentially you already know the steps

that it will take to get you from where

you are today to where you want to be

however in the second circumstance

things are different not having a

predefined path to your goal can not

only be frustrating but debilitating as

well for instance if you have the goal

of traveling the world there are a ton

of different unanswered questions that

you need to address how will you get the

time off work how will you finance your

endeavor or who will you travel with

these roadblocks are just a few

questions that must be answered in this

particular situation but they can be

enough to stop you in your tracks and

hinder your ability to realize your

dreams unfortunately for most people

there simply is no time to waste when

trying to achieve these goals

I say waste because the achievement of

goals is not a linear path throughout

your journey you will face all kinds of

failures and adversity you'll make

mistakes lose money get rejected and go

through a rollercoaster of emotions

which is why the best time to start

working towards your goals is now and my

path to success is no different when I

first started trying to build an online

business I faced a lot of failure in


at the time dropshipping was very

popular and every time I was watching

YouTube I was being recommended videos

that people making tens of thousands of

dollars a month selling products online

with next to no effort who wouldn't want

to earn five figures a month with ease

right well I certainly did and so I

watched a few drop shipping videos set

up a website and waited for the orders

to start rolling in at this point I

figured I was just a short time away

from making more money than I had ever

earned before but after the first month

I hadn't made a single sale quite

honestly after not seeing progress in

those initial months I started to get

discouraged it seems like people online

were making money effortlessly while I

was struggling to get people to even

visit my website after her second month

without a single sale I got back on

YouTube and started watching more

dropshipping videos however as I was

watching trying desperately to figure

out why I was struggling to make sales a

video about making money selling books

on Amazon caught my eye before I knew it

I had watched five videos on how to flip

books on Amazon for a profit that next

weekend I was at the bookstore scanning

hundreds of books that I could

potentially flip for a profit needless

to say this whole paths led me to

finally choosing to start a YouTube

channel which I have made my primary

focus for the last three years well I

have realized noticeable success through

this platform

I wouldn't appreciate what I've achieved

so far if I hadn't it faced these

challenges in the past therefore if you

want to achieve your aspirations don't

wait another second and enjoy the

process towards your future rich

lifestyle thanks for watching if you

want to go from the life you have to the

life you deserve then hit the subscribe

button now


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