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Earn $100 PER DAY Answering Questions Online! How to Make Money Online in 2020

hey what's up guys it's John here and
today I'm gonna show you how you can

make money answering questions online
check this out this guy's already earned

over ten thousand dollars answering
questions now it's your turn to start

earning some money and I'm gonna show
you how to get started in today's video

now let's skip over all the fluff and
all the hype and jump straight into this

video right now so the first website I
want to go over is called cold mint or

IO so cold mint Oreo this website is
gonna pay you to answer questions about

coding now this isn't the main website
that I want to show you I just want to

show you this for anybody watching this
video that knows about computer coding

programming software development if you
know about that kind of stuff and you

want to answer questions about coding
this website right here is gonna pay you

money to do that
but again don't worry if you don't know

about coding I'm gonna show you more
websites that are gonna pay you to

answer questions but if you do check
this out so this website is gonna pay

you to be a code mentor so anybody that
has questions about coding a website

coding a software or computer that
they're trying to work guys they can

come to you and ask you questions and
you can get paid for that this website's

already been featured on Forbes Mashable
hacker news product con guys so it has

some pretty good credit behind it a ton
of people have already started using it

and again if you know about coding and
you want to get paid for it you can get

paid or answer questions so to go ahead
and get started with this all you have

to do is click right here where it says
become a mentor and you can apply to

become a code mentor and start earning
money right away so it works in two

basic ways so check this out you can
either do a live mentorship where you're

talking about somebody one-on-one
answering their questions maybe over a

phone call or a live video call and of
course with this you can set up your own

schedule you know obviously you're gonna
connect with the person one on one set

up a schedule around your time around
your free time so you don't have to be

doing it when you don't want to or when
you don't have time the second way you

can get paid us for freelance projects
so for example maybe somebody brings

their website through you or their
software to you and they want you to

tweak a few things in the coding so you
can pick up small projects little tasks

just like this to start earning some
money with them again you can pick up

the projects whenever you want and
create your own schedule because they

have freedom and flexibility guys so you
can set up your own schedule around when

you want to be working instead of
working at the time that you can or

maybe you don't have time overall this
is a pretty cool way to start

earning some extra money especially if
you know about coding or and you're able

to help people that want to learn about
coding or they have small problems guys

you can make some easy quick money using
this website right here called code

mentor dot IO now once you're ready to
go ahead and sign up you can sign up

using any of your social media accounts
so they make it very easy to create a

free account
so that's website number one let's go

ahead and jump over the website number
two right now hey guys before we jump

into website number two if you're
enjoying this video so far make sure you

take a second and hit that subscribe
button and check this out I post up

daily video showing you how to make
money online or how to make money with

your smart phone going over apps and
websites that really pay you just like

the ones in today's video so make sure
you hit that subscribe button so you can

get a notification every time I post a
new video and you can be one of the

first to use my money-making strategy so
hit that subscribe button right now so

you don't miss out on any of my future
content all absolutely free alright guys

so we're on the second website right now
and this website is called mine sumo

calm so the way my sumo works is big
companies businesses and brands can come

to my sumo and ask questions to create
new ideas for their company so maybe

they're trying to find a more efficient
way to use their energy maybe they're

trying to find a more efficient way to
use their employees or whatever they're

trying to do for their company and
they're wouldn'ta basically ask the

public for ideas so check this out some
of the world's top brands have already

used mine sumo to come up with new ideas
for their company brands like IBM Yahoo

coca-cola adidas guys excuse me a ton of
these companies right here that I'm sure

you heard of before have used mine sumo
to come up with new ideas for their

business and it works like this they
post up new challenges every single week

so check it out these are three new
challenges right now and sometimes

they're asking literally simple
questions that they just want your basic

feedback on so check this one out how do
you prefer to bank in today's world so

all you have to do is go ahead and click
on the challenge so for example this one

right here and the way it's gonna work
is you're gonna go ahead and read

through this challenge right here and
answer the question that they're asking

and just for that you're gonna earn some
free money so right now the prize is

$1,600 now you're not gonna win all of
that at once it's basically gonna get

divided amongst the top winners so if I
scroll down here to the bottom the top

10% of winners are gonna share $1,000 so
everybody's gonna make a hundred bucks

the next 15 percent are gonna share 400
bucks and the last 25 percent is only

gonna share $200 so regardless you have
a really good chance of actually winning

some money simply by answering a
question and that's basically the way

all the challenges work so if I jump
back check this out here's a challenge

and the top prize is $20,000 as you can
see right here basically the top 10

people are gonna split that right there
you guys check this one out this one's

for $800 the top 50% is gonna share that
right there and they just have plenty of

challenges that they're posting up on a
daily basis guys so just make sure you

look out for this website it's very
simple to sign up and log in all you

simply have to do is click on log in and
sign up right here at the top and you

can sign up using your email address
again this website is called mine sumo

comm and all you're doing is basically
helping new businesses brands come up

with new ideas for the public so you're
basically helping people helping people

help people guys so it's very simple to
use guys and they have a ton of

different categories inside of here too
so if you're an expert in business

engineering computer science food
science mathematics and science guys you

can start answering these questions to
start earning some free money go check

it out at mine sumo comm knowledge jump
into the last website and this is the
1 U.S.A dollar banknotes

main one that I wanted to go over today
alright guys so we're on website number

three but before I continue just want to
mention if you guys want to use your

time the most efficient way possible to
earn money if you want to you know get

the most out of your time with money
guys go ahead and click on the first

link in my description it's my number
one recommended income stream guys and

you're gonna see how I just earned 13
hundred dollars in a single day so go

ahead and check that out again the first
link in my description alright now let's

go ahead and get it to this one so this
website right here is called school

Sauber comm and I absolutely love this
website I just found out about it so I'm

really happy to share with you so the
way this website work is students all

over the world can come to this website
and ask questions about their homework

maybe they're having problems with a
math problem maybe they're having a hard

time with a science problem English
grammar whatever they're going through

they can come on here and ask about the
whatever problem they're going through

and you can come in and answer their
question check it out they have a ton of

testimonies and they've been featured on
a ton of websites to like for blog and

Mashable product home guys and again a
ton of great testimonies basically going

over how this website right here has
helped them solve their homework now

check this out I mentioned to you
in the beginning of this video that this

guy earned over $10,000 and here it is
right here here are some of the top

earners with this website here's expert
solution who's earned ten thousand four

hundred and seventy five dollars
Mina has earned eight thousand dollars

and tutor master has earned six thousand
dollars guys so the way it basically

works is you're gonna come to this
website sign up register create an

account and then you can just click
right here where it says answer

questions all the questions that need to
be answered for money are gonna pop up

alright so check this out so here's the
question that they just posted on

communications on stats healthcare
business literal studies and here's

their payout as you can see some people
are willing to pay $15 sixteen dollars

even up to thirty dollars just for you
to help them answer a question once

you're ready to go ahead and answer it
just go ahead and click on the question

you're gonna find all the details of the
question right here and you can just go

ahead and submit your answer right here
at the bottom guys and that's basically

all you had to do with this website
right here help students all over the

world with their homework with problems
that they're having excuse me with

problems that they're having at school
guys so you can really help your

community help people and start earning
some money with it and those are three

websites that are gonna pay you simply
just to answer questions I hope you guys

enjoyed this video don't forget if you
want more great videos like this or

websites that make you free money guys
make sure you hit the subscribe button

down below so you don't miss out on any
of my future videos hit that subscribe

that like button for me and I'll see you

on the next


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